The Memphis Urban League envisions a city where all people are empowered towards self-sufficiency and share in the city’s prosperity and well-being.
Our Workforce & Economic Development program was designed to address the employment needs of two constituencies–skilled workers who seek assistance in securing job opportunities and employers who need qualified applicants to fill job vacancies within the Memphis metropolitan statistical area. Through a variety of innovative projects and events, such as job fairs, specialized recruitment sessions, and networking opportunities, the Workforce & Economic Development program assists individuals in creating meaningful professional contacts that enhance their marketability and ultimately assist them in securing employment while simultaneously serving as an invaluable recruitment source to local companies.
For additional information, contact the Memphis Urban League at:
(901) 272-2491 or email Trilby Hawkins at [email protected].

Get in Touch!
413 N. Cleveland Street Memphis, TN 38104
Telephone: 901.272.2491 Email: [email protected]